Pour la douleur et les démangeaisons de la peau endommagée. Idéal pour les éruptions cutanées, les piqûres d’insectes, l’herbe à puce et autres irritations. Les propriétés astringentes aident à assécher les ampoules. Calme les douleurs des fourmillements.
Additional Information
How to Use
Is a painful rash leaving you itchy and uncomfortable? Are you suffering with skin irritation, redness or blisters? Do you still have lingering pain after the rash is gone?
Get rapid relief with this soothing, healing, topical formula that glides on to the skin.

Can I use this product on my face?
Yes, just make sure to keep it away from your eyes and mouth.
Will this stain my clothes?
No. Allow just a minute for the gel to dry, then dress normally.
Will this help with pain after the rash is gone?
Yes, this gel is specifically designed to help not only the rash but also the pain that remains after the rash has cleared.