Para síntomas de vejiga hiperactiva y frecuencia urinaria.
Additional Information
How to Use
Is the urge to urinate holding you back from conquering your day?

Will this product help my leakage during the night too?
Yes, this product is specifically designed to help you completely release your bladder for the last time before bedtime making your body understand that it doesn’t need to go again until you wake up.
How do I use this product?
Adults and children 12 years and above, dissolve 2 tablets under tongue 2 to 3 times daily or as directed by a physician. Children under 12 years, consult physician. Take at least 10 minutes before or after eating or drinking.
How long does the medicine take to work?
Individuals all react differently. Relief can either be immediate or gradual, so we recommend allowing the medicine enough time to reach its full potential, which could be up to six weeks.
How does this differ from your other Bladder Relief tablets?
Both Bladder Relief tablet products from MagnilLife share the exact same active ingredients and formulation, along with the same dedication to quality production. The only differences are the packaging and tablet count - simply choose whichever quantity makes the most sense for your monthly usage.